Monday, May 15, 2017

Rapunzel Dress

So keeping up on blogs is not my gift...but I'm happy when I finally get around to posting something!

This was a really fun project I just finished this week. A Rapunzel Costume for a friend. Isn't she beautiful:) It was a great learning experience for me and I'm glad she was willing to give me the opportunity. She will be a guest princess on these fun youtube preschool videos-


One thing I loved learning about while making this dress was using fabric dye. The body of the dress as well as the corset I dyed myself on my stovetop. I also painted the embellishments with a fabric ink using my watercolor brushes...It was a lot of fun!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Creation Overload!

I can hardly believe it has been almost a year since I posted! Yikes! Apologies to anyone and everyone who asked questions and I did not respond!

With a year of living in our own house and raising our three kids four and under the creation projects have been so numerous and and so very busy. Here is a re-cap of a few of the last year in projects...all of which were done with the help of My Man!

Refinished a bed for our room:

Refinished a dresser for our room:

Sang a duet as Mary and Joseph and our large newborn:) :

Got to take my Brother and his Lovely Wife's bridal and wedding pictures:)

Went to a watercolor class and learned how to paint this:

Got baby chickens and built this! (with all the amazing help of my cousin Mason Stewart:) :) Eggs are coming sooooon! We love our birds!

Threw an awesome Tea Party with my Mom for my Sister's Birthday:

Won a Star Wars Force Awakens Photo Contest with My Man. Got 15 tickets to see Force Awakens on opening night. A big deal at our house.

Dug out so.much.grass. by hand to make a magical garden! And look how it has grown!! We are loving it so very much. I love to see the Lord's hand in all of His wonderous creations!

Made a little treehouse with my brother Mckay and sister Candice which will be added upon next summer:)

Wrote and illustrated a little children's book about a fly. A story my grandpa used to tell me:)

Currently taking some cake decorating classes, and have made these so far:) My boy's birthday cakes and one for my Ghanain Mum Monica...who is also my cake decorating teacher! :)

My amazing Grandpa passed away and I made his life history videos. Short version, and full-biography.

My current GIANT project is helping to create a potty-trained child...whew! That is serious hard work!!!

And other exciting news.... I am beginning my first session of "CREATE" classes! So if you are in the area, I am starting with one toddler, afterschool, and adult class on Tuesdays! Here is my FB page.

Happy Monday!!! Love you all!


Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Great Pumpkin Scarecrow

Every year my niece and I make a scarecrow for a local competition. This year she wanted to do something from "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown."

Here is what we came up with.
I had some wooden pilgrims I got from DI we painted and used for the bodies. The heads are embroidery hoops with fabric and their clothes are fabric scraps from some of my old clothes. The moon is a hula hoop with a baby sheet sewn around it. The pumpkins are a mix of wooden, styrofoam, and real. We had a wonderful time. We used LOTS of hot glue. My sister got to join us in the fun this year. Thanks for the memories!

Monday, September 28, 2015

Star Wars Cookie Crumb Cake and Party

My husband and I have a tradition where we make each other's birthday cakes. It is so much fun! With the upcoming movie in December Christopher just couldn't escape his very own Star Wars themed birthday...and birthday cake:)

I frosted a chocolate cake white, poured on a pile of blended Oreo cookie crumbs, and used a knife to move the crumbs until it was good enough to be identified:) (I looked at a picture I took at Wal-Mart of a decal for a reference)

I found a sticker packet for .50 which made the title simple and also turned our plane yellow cups into Star Wars cups.
Binna and I printed off a bunch of logo pictures and coloring pages for decorations.

We ended the birthday with a new lightsaber for dad(and Eli) and a very happy father-son duel:)
I couldn't be more grateful for this wonderful man in my life. He is my hero and motivates me each day to fight honorably in the real war of good and evil, standing firmly in my faith in Christ. I love you sweetheart. Happy 28.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Rope Swings

Visiting my Grandma and Grandpa May's home growing up they had the best rope swing. We spent hours on that wonderful thing. The kids have (or I have) been dying for a swing set, so we made our own swings! They were SUPER easy and the kids love them! And we do too!

How we did it:

I first bought two stools from DI for $4 each and 30 feet of rope from Home Depot (58 cents a foot)
Then we borrowed a drill from our kind neighbor and drilled a nice hole in the middle of the tops
We popped the tops off the stools, used a nice knot around the tree and under the seat. We burnt and duct taped the rope so it wouldn't fray and here they are! They were about $13 each, and they are way more durable then a similar item I found for $20.

Happy Wednesday!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Creation Overload around here

So I feel really bad that I haven't posted in over four months...
but I also feel so grateful that this is the reason...

This is Danny. We love him.

I am so humbled and amazed that our Heavenly Father allows us to take part in 
His most magnificent creative work and glory...His children.

We also bought our first house...a million creative projects just waiting for me to dive in and swim for hours:) I hope to do a few catch-up posts on our many fun projects around here. We sure feel blessed to be here and we love it so much.

I think I finally blogged today because it felt like more of a "normal" day since baby arrived....and... this morning as we watched "Wishenpoof" on Amazon Prime I had the overpowering urge to make the crafts they were making. The kids had no complaints either:) 
Here is what we created.

Mini hats out of egg carton parts.
So easy and the kids loved it. We just colored them with markers, and then glued pieces of my old broken jewelry, buttons, and feathers.

Dress-up Capes
We used some fabric scraps and one of my old shirts:)
 Eli wanted a "hooper-man" and Binzy wanted "Belle".

Eli's "this is the real Superman cape" face :) And Binna's princess pose, well-practiced :)

Happy Wednesday! 

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Bridal Shower Fun!

So my amazing cousin Celeste is getting married today. Unfortunately, she is getting married in California and with our home/car saving I couldn't fly out there.

I love her...and her husband-to-be is wonderful too! She is an INCREDIBLE singer/musician, you can listen to some of her songs here: Celeste's Music

It was so fun to put on a bridal shower for her last week with my Mom, who planned it all, and my aunts and sisters:)

It was also so joyful to be with family. I am so grateful for families and Heavenly Father's plan for them!

Celeste and some others are gluten-free eaters so all of our food was gluten-free:)

Happy Wedding Day Celeste!!! Wish we were there!!